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Snippets Groups Projects
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David Sehnal authored


  • general, non-opinionated library for reading and writing molecular structure related file formats
  • extending on the ideas of the CIFTools.js library

Module Overview

  • mol-task Computation abstraction with progress tracking and cancellation support.
  • mol-data Collections (integer based sets, inteface to columns/tables, etc.)
  • mol-math Math related (loosely) algorithms and data structures.
  • mol-io Parsing library. Each format is parsed into an interface that corresponds to the data stored by it.
  • mol-model Data structures and algorithms (such as querying) for representing molecular data.
  • mol-ql Mapping of mol-model to the MolQL query language spec.
  • mol-util Useful things that do not fit elsewhere.

Building & Running


npm install
npm run build

Build automatically on file save:

npm run watch

Bundle with rollup (UMD and ES6)

npm run bundle

Make distribution files

npm run dist

Build everything above

npm run-script build && npm run-script bundle && npm run-script dist

Example script


npm run script


node ./build/js/script.js


  • write about unittest (AR)