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RWM - Restic WORM Manager

  • master
  • devel

The story

Restic is a fast and secure backup program that employs a client-storage architecture to backup local filesystems to various backends, including both local and remote storage options such as S3. Due to its server-less nature, a backed-up resource has the capability to manipulate its backup storage. However, in the event of a server compromise, a ransomware attacker could potentially wipe out all backups.

S3 provides robust data protection with features like versioning and object locking (WORM). When versioning is enabled on a bucket, any updates to objects are stored as new versions. Access permissions for manipulating objects and versions can be finely controlled through access policies, allowing delegation to users with precise granularity.

RWM supports the standard restic backup process. For each backup performed, it records the final bucket state, including all objects and their latest version IDs. This bucket state data can then be used later to reconstruct the bucket to any saved point-in-time, preventing potential deletion of data in the most recent versions of the protected bucket objects.

Using versioning for protection leads to the continual growth of the bucket's contents. When the backup storage is verified to be complete and accurate, RWM allows for the removal of all non-latest versions of the bucket objects, freeing up space on the underlying storage. However, this task should be delegated to a secure entity beyond the attacker's reach and should utilize privileged credentials for managing the bucket.

There may be a proper WORM setup with object locking and lifecycle rules for me somewhere - if I only knew.


  • low-level S3 access for aws cli

  • performing backups

    • restic with S3 repository
    • simple backup manager/executor
      • prerun and postrun shell hooks
      • bucket state saving after backups
  • storage management

    • create, delete and list policed storage buckets
    • drop all versions to reclaim storage space
    • restore saved bucket state to new bucket

Known issues

  • During tests RGW is leaking RADOS objects (likely Ceph bug; TODO fix)

  • Unlike in other backup solutions, attacker with credentials can restore old data from the repository/bucket, this should be discussed (howto threat modeling ?)

  • When rwm restic mount ends while the mountpoint is busy (or being used by another process), the FUSE mountpoint is not removed.



git clone /opt/rwm
cd /opt/rwm
make install

Configuration file uses YAML format, see examples/ for basic use-cases or rwm.RWMConfig autodoc for full reference.

RWM: simple backups

Backups follows standard restic procedures, but adds profile like configuration to easily run in schedulers.

cp examples/rwm-backups.conf rwm.conf
rwm restic init

rwm backup-all
rwm restic snapshots
rwm restic mount /mnt/restore

RWM: backups with policed buckets

Two S3 accounts in the same tenant are required (admin, user1)

# create storage
cp examples/rwm-admin.conf admin.conf
rwm --confg admin.conf storage-list
rwm --confg admin.conf storage-create bucket1 target_username

# do backups
cp examples/rwm-backups.conf rwm.conf
rwm restic init
rwm backup-all
rwm restic snapshots
rwm restic mount /mnt/restore

# if storage is consistent, drop old object versions to reclaim storage space
rwm --confg admin.conf storage-drop-versions bucket1

# if storage gets corrupted, state can be restored to other bucket
## select existing state and version from storage-info
rwm --confg admin.conf storage-info bucket1
rwm --confg admin.conf storage-restore-state bucket1 bucket1-restore rwm/state_[timestamp].json.gz versionid

Other usages

AWS cli

cp examples/rwm-restic.conf rwm.conf
rwm aws s3 ls s3://
rwm aws s3api list-buckets

Restic: manual restic backup

cp examples/rwm-restic.conf rwm.conf
rwm restic init
rwm restic backup /data
rwm restic snapshots
rwm restic mount /mnt/restore

Restore PostgreSQL backup

# Using script for the whole archive
scripts/ postgresql.tar.gz

# For individual dumps
createdb database_name && gunzip -c database_name.sql.gz | psql -d database_name


  • Executed tools stdout is buffered, eg. restic mount does not print immediate output as normal.
  • Passthrough full arguments to underlying tool with "--" (eg. rwm aws -- s3api --help).
  • When running backup from container, container hostname must be fixed for restic to find parent backup properly
  • TODO: elaborate and hardcode default retention (?restic keeps are tricky).
  • TODO: microceph in CI runner break sometimes, reinstall microceph and reboot to salvage it.

DU S3 Account provisioning via

  1. Ensure the existence of the Perun Virtual Organization (VO) whose members will utilize CESNET Data Storage (DS) services.

  2. Create a VO group named project_backup to organize storage service accounts. This group will be associated with the Ceph S3 tenant.

  3. Establish the following Perun VO service identities:

    • project_admin
    • project_backedresource1
    • project_backedresource2
    • ...

    Add these identities as members of the project_backup group.

  4. Generate S3 access credentials for each identity through the DS web portal.

  5. Utilize the project_admin identity to create policed storage buckets. Note that bucket names cannot be changed once created. Bucket target_username is DU S3 username assigned by Gatekeeper, not an E-INFRA login.

  6. Perform backups using the designated resource identities (project_backedresource1 and project_backedresource2).

  7. Employ the project_admin identity to execute maintenance tasks as necessary.


git clone /opt/rwm
cd /opt/rwm
make install
make install-dev
make microceph-service
. venv/bin/activate
make coverage lint

Gitlab Runner

git clone /opt/rwm
cd /opt/rwm
export RUNNER_URL=
make runner
