- May 16, 2018
Jan Mach authored
(Redmine issue: #3734,#3387)
- May 09, 2018
Jan Mach authored
(Redmine issue: #1017)
Jan Mach authored
* Reporter no longer pre-fetches list of groups, that have any events to report. This simplifies the reporting algorithm and fixes the bug with relapsed events not being reported. * Revised and improved lines written to log files. * Removed the *period* argument from functions, where it was not necessary. * Activated the *enabled* feature for groups. Only groups with *enabled* attribute set to *True* will be processed. * Improved code comments. (Redmine issue: #3378)
- May 07, 2018
Jan Mach authored
The attachment type configuration was coded as comparison with string literals, which is not only bad idea, but also there was a wrong value 'both' used instead of 'all'. Using constants fixes that issue.
- May 04, 2018
Jan Mach authored
The PostgreSQL database complained, that it is unable to serach for integers using list of strings. Added explicit conversion from list of strings (received by user form) to list of integers. (Redmine issue: #3752,#3734)
Jan Mach authored
(Redmine issue: #3443)
Jan Mach authored
Implemented the pager feature into BaseSearchView, implemented the pager feature into report searching Hawat module. (Redmine issue: #3734)
Jan Mach authored
(Redmine issue: #3734)
- May 03, 2018
Jan Mach authored
(Redmine issue: #3734)
- May 02, 2018
Jan Mach authored
Fix: Export of IDEA event into CSV report attachments did not expect the ';' delimiter to be anywhere in the message. CSV writer failed to export messages containing the ';' delimiter in the 'Note' attribute. It is necessary to enable quoting mechanism.
Jan Mach authored
This feature is meant to be used from various scripts from remote hosts to fetch latest backup archive without parsing file names or analyzing timestamps.
Jan Mach authored
It was not possible to clear the user accounts or groups from the tables due to the reference integrity constraints. This patch fixes that and adds '--clear' option to data migration script. (Redmine issue: #3752)
Jan Mach authored
(Redmine issue: #3734)
Jan Mach authored
Instead of deleting them entirelly, in many cases it might be better just to mark user accounts and groups as disabled. This commit contains following relevant changes: * Updates in SQL data model for users and groups * New base views, base form and form templates for generic changes of items * Support for enable and disable actions in item forms and views (show,list) * Support for enabled/disabled accounts in authentication controllers (disabled accounts will not permit login) (Redmine issue: #3752)
Jan Mach authored
(Redmine issue: #3387)
- Apr 30, 2018
Jan Mach authored
Jan Mach authored
This patch attempts to make installation of Mentat system as simple as possible by improving the default configuration and cron files for each of the Mentat modules. The goal is to have most of the system up and running after the installation with as less configuration changes as possible. There are however some things that can not be configured in advance, for example email addresses for various reporting, so these are all directed to the local root. (Redmine issue: #3387)
Jan Mach authored
Jan Mach authored
The JSONB datatype is not capable of storing IDEA messages containing null characters anywhere in the content. This is a feature, that will not be fixed anytime soon, so we had to change the datatype for storing IDEA messages from JSONB to BYTEA. We are losing the ability to use PostgreSQL tools for working with JSON structures. There is however no other way of solving this issue, because the IDEA messages are permitted to containg binary data. (Redmine issue: #3752)
Jan Mach authored
- Apr 29, 2018
- Apr 27, 2018
Jan Mach authored
* All cronjob files were moved into separate subdirectory within main Mentat`s configuration directory. * Naming convention for cronjob files was changed from 'cron_module' to 'module.cron'. * Made appropriate changes in other relevant modules. (Redmine issue: #3387)
Jan Mach authored
All reports generated by mentat-reporter.py are now accessible via unauthenticated URL protected by security token. This feature enables easy sharing of security information even with people without full access to web interface. (Redmine issue: #3734)
Jan Mach authored
The data migration script was enhanced for quick and little bit dirty fix of invalid string character encoding when converting records from MongoDB to new PostgreSQL representation. The old implementation contained a bug and some strings were not stored in correct UTF-8 encoding. After this patch everything should be UTF-8 in PostgreSQL tables. (Redmine issue: #3752)
- Apr 26, 2018
Jan Mach authored
So far the access to various resources in Hawat web interface was protected only by authentication. This was to simplify the development process. As the first stable release approaches, it was time to harden the security. (Redmine issue: #3734)
- Apr 24, 2018
- Apr 23, 2018
Jan Mach authored
Added missing configuraion files for various Mentat modules and localization catalogs to the conffiles meta configuration file. (Redmine issue: #3387)
Jan Mach authored
(Redmine issue: #1017)
Jan Mach authored
* Implemented export into flat CSV report attachments. * Implemented support for compressed report attachments. * Implemented support for report redirection. * Implemented support for choosing report locale into reporting settings web interface. (Redmine issue: #3378)
- Apr 20, 2018
Jan Mach authored
* Added support for default admin contact, which can be used for redirecting emails to administrators. * Added support for test mode, in which case the all emails are force redirected to admin emails instead of original recipients. This feature can be used for development or testing purposes.
Jan Mach authored
Improved error handling and added automatic transaction rollback on database errors in database abstraction layer.
- Apr 06, 2018