Minimize whole JSON IDEA events usage (jsonb column)
Mentat relies too much on the whole original JSON data (stored and encoded in jsonb column). Lot of queries spend cycles on decoding of the data, which is already stored in metadata columns, and pqsql wastes RAM on jsonb column.
First step of solution is to implement lightweight API, which would allow to serve results, which are satisfiable from metadata columns, directly, without resorting to jsonb.
However, couple of features depends on IDEA format, namely filtering. Sidesteping this could be
- creating and returning incomplete lightweight IDEA-like events on the fly from the metadata columns, and allow for asking only for data, which are needed by the caller (thus freeing database from the need for fetching the whole lines to the memory and from the need to push jsonb data into app), and freeing caller from the need to ingest, parse and convert JSON
- creating complementary part of the API, which would allow for "extending" of the data, or "upgrading" incomplete lightweight IDEA events to full blown data, fetched from the db based on the ID
- converting as much of code using current API as possible to work with minimum data it needs (incomplete events) and extending to full data only after all the hard work is done
This itself would help majority of the bigger queries, and probably mostly solve 'big events' problem - set of simple deterministic conversions from the metadata table will replace costly JSON demarshalling. It might even speed up parts where 'extend' part is necessary - if all the costly processing and filtering is done beforehand on the incomplete events, and the number of the complete events is trimmed to tens or hundreds (Hawat 'show' event, reporter creating mails).