Interactive incident/event reports
Currently reports are static text messages. To support feedback and more dynamic web reports, we need to save necessary metadata and generate web reports on the fly.
Currently reports are static text messages. To support feedback and more dynamic web reports, we need to save necessary metadata and generate web reports on the fly.
assigned to @jan_zerdik
By Pavel Kácha on 2024-12-26T14:06:31
changed due date to February 28, 2019
By Pavel Kácha on 2024-12-26T14:06:31
added C-Dev-Core Done 100% P4 S-New T-Feature labels
changed milestone to %Backlog
Jan Ž. - please merge top devel.
Mek - please review commits here + child tickets.
By Pavel Kácha on 2019-05-14T07:22:46
changed milestone to %2.5
added S-Resolved label and removed S-New label
Closing, any further development will be done after first try out in production environment in separate issue.
By Jan Mach on 2019-08-06T08:03:16
added S-Closed label and removed S-Resolved label