This is task for discussions/planning of migration, other more specific tasks may stem from this.
Final result should be that all Mentat related repos from Buildbot (and some external) should be migrated to GitLab, with adapted CI stage, pip upload and deb generation.
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Question is how to manage PGP keys for deb package signing. Possibilities (already sorted by viability):
Extra repo with keyring and limited access (can be common for more projects, we don't mind binary contents as it gets changed rarely and never edited by hand)
Private and public key in GitLab variables (signing script must always reinitialize all new keyring, must be in variables in every project concerned)
Docker image with ready keyring (problem of encrypted contents on public place or need to keep own image resource, cumbersome and nonversioned updates of the keyring)
I think I managed to make signing work on typedcols repository using the first option. I will just polish some things and then I will create the configuration file for other repositories.
There is one thing which I don't really understand. I tried verifying gpg signature of files at typecols Version 0.1.13 is working just fine but verifying previous 2 versions results in BAD signature and I don't know why.
There is one thing which I don't really understand. I tried verifying gpg signature of files at typecols Version 0.1.13 is working just fine but verifying previous 2 versions results in BAD signature and I don't know why.
So, seems like for some older versions the files were replaced but the signatures weren't and that's why the verification of signature failed and the sha256sums were different.
Next thing to figure out is publishing documentation and signed files. So we are waiting until GitLab Pages is set and running.
So, I did manage to make both documentation and signed files publicly available. I am still working on how to share the cached files between branches which I thought I had already done, but it's not quite working yet.
Pynspect, Pyzenkit, typedcols, ipranges and idea are already at and CI/CD seems to be working. I only changed the version of Pynspect, all other projects have the same version number as before.
I didn't finish Pydgets yet, as I suspect the code in GitHub repository is not up to date. I wrote an email to @Jan_Mach regarding this repository.
All of those smaller projects used simple python docker image. For Mentat it would be nice to have a better Docker image. Maybe this one could do the work, although it doesn't contain PostgreSQL.
Wouldn't it make sense to make our own and push it to the hub? Seems creating Docker images based on pre-existing ones needs might need just short Dockerfile.
I lost my notes from the meeting where we discussed this issue. So, I should create a job which downloads all the files at a given URL address? If I remember correctly, we want to get the older files from and also have some kind of backup if we lose data from GitLab.
I lost my notes from the meeting where we discussed this issue. So, I should create a job which downloads all the files at a given URL address? If I remember correctly, we want to get the older files from and also have some kind of backup if we lose data from GitLab.
We wanted to solve two main problems:
Loss of continuity – something in Gitlab goes awry or human makes an error, and we thus lose the continually reloaded artifact containing older releases
Migration of older data from Redmine
If memory serves me well (sorry, too much parity errors these days), we came to rather simple sidestep – define GitLab variable, which, if set to a bunch of URLs, would cause build script to download contents of all the URLs and populate the "history" artifact (or maybe one URL with expected zipfile? Just what's simpler). That would allow to inject initial history (from Redmine), which we are not able to reconstruct, and also to possibly inject history from backups if data end up in a blue smoke.
Also, we should actively backup those released files, for example by regular download to backed tree at Mentat-alt or somewhere.
GitLab expects specific suffixes as a part of version.
GitLab extracts version of the package from the changelog.
Our old packages (generated on Buildbot) don't satisfy neither GitLab requirement - although we have the mechanism to upload old packages along with new generated ones, packages are in wrong branch with wrong (all the same) fabricated version.
To add insult to injury, our deb packages are de facto envelope around venv and pip install, and keep static URL to the Buildbot.
Conclusion - attempts to incorporate old packages onto GitLab along with new ones would take too much effort with inadequate results. Let's not try unify old and new packages and let's keep URL to Buildbot on the web as obsolete and keep running Buildbot (maybe without Alchemist) for some time (a year maybe?). And then ditch it altogether.