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representation.ts 8.71 KiB
 * Copyright (c) 2018 mol* contributors, licensed under MIT, See LICENSE file for more info.
 * @author David Sehnal <>

import { MarkerAction } from 'mol-geo/geometry/marker-data';
import { Mat4, Vec3 } from 'mol-math/linear-algebra';
import { EmptyLoci } from 'mol-model/loci';
import { StructureUnitTransforms } from 'mol-model/structure/structure/util/unit-transforms';
import { PluginContext } from 'mol-plugin/context';
import { PluginStateObject } from 'mol-plugin/state/objects';
import { StateObjectTracker, StateSelection } from 'mol-state';
import { labelFirst } from 'mol-theme/label';
import { ParamDefinition as PD } from 'mol-util/param-definition';
import { PluginBehavior } from '../behavior';
import { Representation } from 'mol-repr/representation';
import { ButtonsType } from 'mol-util/input/input-observer';
import { StructureElement } from 'mol-model/structure';

export const HighlightLoci = PluginBehavior.create({
    name: 'representation-highlight-loci',
    category: 'interaction',
    ctor: class extends PluginBehavior.Handler {
        register(): void {
            let prev: Representation.Loci = { loci: EmptyLoci, repr: void 0 };
            const sel = this.ctx.helpers.structureSelection;

            this.subscribeObservable(, ({ current, modifiers }) => {
                if (!this.ctx.canvas3d) return;

                if (StructureElement.isLoci(current.loci)) {
                    let loci: StructureElement.Loci = current.loci;
                    if (modifiers && modifiers.shift) {
                        loci = sel.tryGetRange(loci) || loci;

                    this.ctx.canvas3d.mark(prev, MarkerAction.RemoveHighlight);
                    const toHighlight = { loci, repr: current.repr };
                    this.ctx.canvas3d.mark(toHighlight, MarkerAction.Highlight);
                    prev = toHighlight;
                } else {
                    if (!Representation.Loci.areEqual(prev, current)) {
                        this.ctx.canvas3d.mark(prev, MarkerAction.RemoveHighlight);
                        this.ctx.canvas3d.mark(current, MarkerAction.Highlight);
                        prev = current;

    display: { name: 'Highlight Loci on Canvas' }

export const SelectLoci = PluginBehavior.create({
    name: 'representation-select-loci',
    category: 'interaction',
    ctor: class extends PluginBehavior.Handler {
        register(): void {
            const sel = this.ctx.helpers.structureSelection;

            const toggleSel = (current: Representation.Loci<StructureElement.Loci>) => {
                if (sel.has(current.loci)) {
                    this.ctx.canvas3d.mark(current, MarkerAction.Deselect);
                } else {
                    this.ctx.canvas3d.mark(current, MarkerAction.Select);

            this.subscribeObservable(, ({ current, buttons, modifiers }) => {
                if (!this.ctx.canvas3d) return;

                if (current.loci.kind === 'empty-loci') {
                    if (modifiers.control && buttons === ButtonsType.Flag.Secondary) {
                        // clear the selection on Ctrl + Right-Click on empty
                        const sels = sel.clear();
                        for (const s of sels) this.ctx.canvas3d.mark({ loci: s }, MarkerAction.Deselect);
                } else if (StructureElement.isLoci(current.loci)) {
                    if (modifiers.control && buttons === ButtonsType.Flag.Secondary) {
                        // select only the current element on Ctrl + Right-Click
                        const old = sel.get(current.loci.structure);
                        this.ctx.canvas3d.mark({ loci: old }, MarkerAction.Deselect);
                        this.ctx.canvas3d.mark(current, MarkerAction.Select);
                    } else if (modifiers.control && buttons === ButtonsType.Flag.Primary) {
                        // toggle current element on Ctrl + Left-Click
                        toggleSel(current as Representation.Loci<StructureElement.Loci>);
                    } else if (modifiers.shift && buttons === ButtonsType.Flag.Primary) {
                        // try to extend sequence on Shift + Left-Click
                        let loci: StructureElement.Loci = current.loci;
                        if (modifiers && modifiers.shift) {
                            loci = sel.tryGetRange(loci) || loci;
                        toggleSel({ loci, repr: current.repr });
                } else {
                    if (!ButtonsType.has(buttons, ButtonsType.Flag.Secondary)) return;
                    this.ctx.canvas3d.mark(current, MarkerAction.Toggle);
    display: { name: 'Select Loci on Canvas' }

export const DefaultLociLabelProvider = PluginBehavior.create({
    name: 'default-loci-label-provider',
    category: 'interaction',
    ctor: class implements PluginBehavior<undefined> {
        private f = labelFirst;
        register(): void { this.ctx.lociLabels.addProvider(this.f); }
        unregister() { this.ctx.lociLabels.removeProvider(this.f); }
        constructor(protected ctx: PluginContext) { }
    display: { name: 'Provide Default Loci Label' }

export namespace ExplodeRepresentation3D {
    export const Params = {
        t: PD.Numeric(0, { min: 0, max: 1, step: 0.01 })
    export type Params = PD.Values<typeof Params>

    export class Behavior implements PluginBehavior<Params> {
        private currentT = 0;
        private repr: StateObjectTracker<PluginStateObject.Molecule.Representation3D>;
        private structure: StateObjectTracker<PluginStateObject.Molecule.Structure>;
        private transforms: StructureUnitTransforms;

        private updateData() {
            const reprUpdated = this.repr.update();
            const strUpdated = this.structure.update();
            if (strUpdated && {
                this.transforms = new StructureUnitTransforms(;
            return reprUpdated || strUpdated;

        register(ref: string): void {

        private centerVec =;
        private transVec =;
        private transMat =;

        update(params: Params): boolean | Promise<boolean> {
            if (!this.updateData() && params.t === this.currentT) return false;
            this.currentT = params.t;
            if (! || ! return true;

            const structure =;
            const boundary = structure.boundary.sphere;
            const d = boundary.radius * params.t;

            for (let i = 0, _i = structure.units.length; i < _i; i++) {
                const u = structure.units[i];

                Vec3.transformMat4(this.centerVec,, u.conformation.operator.matrix);
                Vec3.sub(this.transVec, this.centerVec,;
                Vec3.setMagnitude(this.transVec, this.transVec, d);
                Mat4.fromTranslation(this.transMat, this.transVec)

                this.transforms.setTransform(this.transMat, u);

            // TODO: should be be "auto updated"?
            // perhaps have Representation3D.setState(state, autoSync = false)?

            // TODO: where to handle unitTransforms composition?
            // Manually or inside the representation? "inside" would better compose with future additions.
  { unitTransforms: this.transforms });

            return true;

        unregister(): void {
            this.update({ t: 0 })
            this.repr.cell = void 0;
            this.structure.cell = void 0;

        constructor(private ctx: PluginContext, private params: Params) {
            this.repr = new StateObjectTracker(ctx.state.dataState);
            this.structure = new StateObjectTracker(ctx.state.dataState);

    export class Obj extends PluginStateObject.CreateBehavior<Behavior>({ name: 'Explode Representation3D Behavior' }) { }