David Sehnal authoredDavid Sehnal authored
computation.ts 8.65 KiB
* Copyright (c) 2017 molio contributors, licensed under MIT, See LICENSE file for more info.
* Adapted from https://github.com/dsehnal/LiteMol
* @author David Sehnal <david.sehnal@gmail.com>
import Scheduler from './scheduler'
interface Computation<A> {
run(ctx?: Computation.Context): Promise<A>,
runObservable(ctx?: Computation.Context): Computation.Running<A>
namespace Computation {
export let PRINT_CONSOLE_ERROR = false;
export function create<A>(computation: (ctx: Context) => Promise<A>) {
return new ComputationImpl(computation);
export function resolve<A>(a: A) {
return create<A>(_ => Promise.resolve(a));
export function reject<A>(reason: any) {
return create<A>(_ => Promise.reject(reason));
export interface Params {
updateRateMs: number
export const Aborted = 'Aborted';
export interface Progress {
message: string,
isIndeterminate: boolean,
current: number,
max: number,
elapsedMs: number,
requestAbort?: () => void
export interface Context {
readonly isSynchronous: boolean,
/** Also checks if the computation was aborted. If so, throws. */
readonly requiresUpdate: boolean,
requestAbort(): void,
/** Also checks if the computation was aborted. If so, throws. */
updateProgress(msg: string, abort?: boolean | (() => void), current?: number, max?: number): Promise<void> | void
export type ProgressObserver = (progress: Readonly<Progress>) => void;
export interface Running<A> {
subscribe(onProgress: ProgressObserver): void;
result: Promise<A>
/** A context without updates. */
export const synchronousContext: Context = {
isSynchronous: true,
requiresUpdate: false,
requestAbort() { },
updateProgress(msg, abort, current, max) { }
export function observableContext(params?: Partial<Params>) {
return new ObservableContext(params);
declare var process: any;
declare var window: any;
export const now: () => number = (function () {
if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.performance) {
const perf = window.performance;
return () => perf.now();
} else if (typeof process !== 'undefined' && process.hrtime !== 'undefined') {
return () => {
let t = process.hrtime();
return t[0] * 1000 + t[1] / 1000000;
} else {
return () => +new Date();
/** A utility for splitting large computations into smaller parts. */
export interface Chunker {
setNextChunkSize(size: number): void,
/** nextChunk must return the number of actually processed chunks. */
process(nextChunk: (chunkSize: number) => number, update: (updater: Context['updateProgress']) => void, nextChunkSize?: number): Promise<void>
export function chunker(ctx: Context, defaultChunkSize: number): Chunker {
return new ChunkedImpl(ctx, defaultChunkSize);
const DefaulUpdateRateMs = 150;
const NoOpSubscribe = () => { }
class ComputationImpl<A> implements Computation<A> {
run(ctx?: Computation.Context) {
return this.runObservable(ctx).result;
runObservable(ctx?: Computation.Context): Computation.Running<A> {
const context = ctx ? ctx as ObservableContext : new ObservableContext();
return {
subscribe: (context as ObservableContext).subscribe || NoOpSubscribe,
result: new Promise<A>(async (resolve, reject) => {
try {
if (context.started) context.started();
const result = await this.computation(context);
} catch (e) {
if (Computation.PRINT_CONSOLE_ERROR) console.error(e);
} finally {
if (context.finished) context.finished();
constructor(private computation: (ctx: Computation.Context) => Promise<A>) {
class ObservableContext implements Computation.Context {
readonly updateRate: number;
readonly isSynchronous: boolean = false;
private level = 0;
private startedTime = 0;
private abortRequested = false;
private lastUpdated = 0;
private observers: Computation.ProgressObserver[] | undefined = void 0;
private progress: Computation.Progress = { message: 'Working...', current: 0, max: 0, elapsedMs: 0, isIndeterminate: true, requestAbort: void 0 };
lastDelta = 0;
private checkAborted() {
if (this.abortRequested) throw Computation.Aborted;
private abortRequester = () => { this.abortRequested = true };
subscribe = (obs: Computation.ProgressObserver) => {
if (!this.observers) this.observers = [];
requestAbort() {
try {
if (this.abortRequester) {
} catch (e) { }
updateProgress(msg: string, abort?: boolean | (() => void), current?: number, max?: number): Promise<void> | void {
const time = Computation.now();
if (typeof abort === 'boolean') {
this.progress.requestAbort = abort ? this.abortRequester : void 0;
} else {
if (abort) this.abortRequester = abort;
this.progress.requestAbort = abort ? this.abortRequester : void 0;
this.progress.message = msg;
this.progress.elapsedMs = time - this.startedTime;
if (isNaN(current!) || isNaN(max!)) {
this.progress.isIndeterminate = true;
} else {
this.progress.isIndeterminate = false;
this.progress.current = current!;
this.progress.max = max!;
if (this.observers) {
const p = { ...this.progress };
for (const o of this.observers) Scheduler.immediate(o, p);
this.lastDelta = time - this.lastUpdated;
this.lastUpdated = time;
return Scheduler.immediatePromise();
get requiresUpdate() {
if (this.isSynchronous) return false;
return Computation.now() - this.lastUpdated > this.updateRate;
started() {
if (!this.level) this.startedTime = Computation.now();
finished() {
if (this.level < 0) {
throw new Error('Bug in code somewhere, Computation.resolve/reject called too many times.');
if (!this.level) this.observers = void 0;
constructor(params?: Partial<Computation.Params>) {
this.updateRate = (params && params.updateRateMs) || DefaulUpdateRateMs;
class ChunkedImpl implements Computation.Chunker {
private processedSinceUpdate = 0;
private updater: Computation.Context['updateProgress'];
private computeChunkSize() {
const lastDelta = (this.context as ObservableContext).lastDelta || 0;
if (!lastDelta) return this.nextChunkSize;
const rate = (this.context as ObservableContext).updateRate || 0;
const ret = Math.round(this.processedSinceUpdate * rate / lastDelta + 1);
this.processedSinceUpdate = 0;
return ret;
private getNextChunkSize() {
const ctx = this.context as ObservableContext;
// be smart if the computation is synchronous and process the whole chunk at once.
if (ctx.isSynchronous) return Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
return this.nextChunkSize;
setNextChunkSize(size: number) {
this.nextChunkSize = size;
async process(nextChunk: (size: number) => number, update: (updater: Computation.Context['updateProgress']) => Promise<void> | void, nextChunkSize?: number) {
if (typeof nextChunkSize !== 'undefined') this.setNextChunkSize(nextChunkSize);
let lastChunk: number;
while (( lastChunk = nextChunk(this.getNextChunkSize())) > 0) {
this.processedSinceUpdate += lastChunk;
if (this.context.requiresUpdate) {
await update(this.updater);
this.nextChunkSize = this.computeChunkSize();
if (this.context.requiresUpdate) {
await update(this.updater);
this.nextChunkSize = this.computeChunkSize();
constructor(public context: Computation.Context, private nextChunkSize: number) {
this.updater = this.context.updateProgress.bind(this.context);
export default Computation;